A. Treiger
Dalhousie University, Canada
E-mail: ATreiger@Dal.Ca
Professor Nikolai N. Seleznyov (1971—2021) and His Contributions to Syriac and Christian Arabic Studies
DOI: 10.31250/1238-5018-2021-27-1-78-80
- Seleznyov, N. N. (2020), “Sobesedovanija” Ilii Nisivinskogo (975—1046) v kontekste mezhkonfessional'nyh svjazej v srednevekovoj blizhnevostochnoj knizhnosti [The Majālis of Elias of Nisibis (975—1046) in the Context of Interconfessional Relations as Reflected in the Literary Culture of the Medieval Middle East], Doctor of Sciences dissertation, Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
- Seleznyov, N. N. (in print-A), “‘Sobesedovanija’ Ilii Nisivinskogo v sostave ‘Svoda’ al Mu’tamana ibn al ‘Assālja” [“Elias of Nisibis’ ‘Sessions’ incorporated in al‑Mu’taman b. al‑‘Assāl's ‘Compilation’”], Hristianskij Vostok.
- Seleznyov, N. N. (in print-B), “Islamobuddhica: Chto esli buddizm — religija Pisanija? ‘Pisanie Shak'jamuni’ v arabskom ‘Sbornike letopisej’ Rashid ad‑Dina” [“Islamobuddhica: what if Buddhism is a religion of the Book? ‘The Scripture of Shakyamuni’ in Rashīd al‑Dīn's Arabic ‘Compendium of Histories’”].
- Seleznyov, N. N. (in print-C), “Al‑haqq v razdele o buddizme ‘Knigi religij i sekt’ ash‑Shahrastani” [“The term al‑haqq in the section on Buddhism of al‑Shahrastani's ‘Book of Religions and Sects’].
Received by the Editorial Board: 22.05.2021