D. Radjabova
Institute of History, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tshkent, Uzbekistan
E‑mail: dilora0403@mail.ru
Contribution of Pyotr Lerch to the Study of the History of Central Asia (Based on Materials from the Archives and Libraries of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Abstract. The article is devoted the works and activities of Pyotr Ivanovich Lerch (1828—1884), one of the modest but truly devoted to the real scholarship representatives of Russian academic Oriental studies tradition, whose scholarly contributions are closely connected the Central Asian studies. His name is associated with interesting collections of manuscripts and documents, study and replenishment of numismatic collections, archaeological surveys, philological research and important scholarly events.
Keywords: Pyotr Lerch, oriental studies, Kurdish studies, archaeology, numismatics, linguistics, manuscript and numismatic collections, Orientalist Archives of the Institute of Oriental Manuscript, RAS, Archives of the Institute of the History of Material Culture, RAS, Central Asia, Djankent, Bukhara, Khiwa
DOI: 10.31250/1238-5018-2021-27-1-61-64
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Received by the Editorial Board: 10.01.2020