A. Kuritsyna
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
E-mail: linnansaari@gmail.com
Tocharian B Manuscripts 498 and PK AS 3A: Two Parallel Medical Texts
Abstract. In this paper, the Tocharian B fragment 498 is identified as a parallel manuscript of the medical text PK AS 3A. We propose restorations and interpretations of some just partially preserved lexemes, i. a. of the hapax śalma in line b7, and discuss the observable orthographic and content-related differences between both copies. This analysis leads us to the conclusion that the relative chronology of the document B 498 may be reconsidered as belonging to the archaic linguistic stage of Tocharian B.
Key words: Tocharian languages, Tocharian medical texts, chronological classification of Tocharian manuscripts
Acknowledgments. I am very grateful to Ilya Itkin for his essential help in preparing this paper. I also thank the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften for the kind permission for using the images of Tocharian manuscripts.
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