Dr. Pavel Lurje
Head of the Sector of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Crimea, Senior Research Fellow of the Oriental Department of the State Hermitage Museum.
Education and Scholarly Career:
- Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg State University (History of Iran and Afghanistan) (1998);
- Practice in Iran (1999—2000);
- PhD Program at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences (Thesis “Historical and Linguistic Analysis of Sogdian Toponymy”, 2004);
- Practice at the Institute of Iranian studies Austrian Academy of Sciences (2004—2009);
- Since 1994 involved in ethnographic and archaeological expeditions in Central Asia.
Research Interests:
Iranian linguistics, Central Asian languages, onomastics, Central Asian antiquities, historical geography and toponymy, language, history, archaeology, culture, art of Sogdiana and adjacent areas.
The State Hermitage